The team at Walker Kia is proud to live and work in the Alexandria area. That's why the staff at our Kia dealer in Alexandria, LA, works hard to provide support for many different local charities, events and organizations in the community. From crawfish boils and employee kickball tournaments to Dragon Boat Races down the Red River, we work hard to get involved any way we can. Feel free to contact Walker Kia to learn more about how we're supporting the Alexandria community.

Other Ways Walker Kia Gets Involved:

Walker Auto Community Involvement Photo

Project Cool

We gave over 100 box fans and cases of water away during the hot summer to help provide relief from the heat.

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Main Street Mission

Provided food, cooked it and served those less fortunate in the Alexandria community.

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Backpack Drive

We gave out over 100 backpacks and had supplies, face painting, etc.

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During COVID-19, we had surgical caps made for the local hospitals, handed out masks and drove around honking with signs of hope.

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Better Together Tuesdays

Participate at local schools where we greet students as they get off the bus, give high fives, pencils, etc. to let them know we care!

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VA Hospital

Visited with patients as well as provided socks and other essential items.

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Flag Day

We cleaned headstones and put up flags over 1,000 soldiers' headstones at the Central Louisiana Veterans Cemetery in Leesville.

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Cars for Coats

With every vehicle we sold, we donated money to then go and buy jackets for mothers and their children who live at the Hope House (a place where mothers and children go to help get back up on their feet).

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Canned Food Drive

Each year we fill up the beds of trucks in the showroom with canned items, and donate money per vehicle sold to buy canned goods.

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Gleaux for the Girls 5k Pink Dress Run for Breast Cancer

Support this great event, formerly the Susan G. Komen race, and help spread awareness for the fight against breast cancer.

Walker Kia 31.281532, -92.475131.